Clark goes AMA
Today was a mess. I was written up in the first ten minutes of work for having accidentally brought home two pair of keys. Apparently they blamed everyone else but me until I rolled in and offered them without knowing they were being missed.
New patients were everywhere. There's something about Friday... their family tries to get them in before the weekend binge comes. It was also storming outside, so all 40 in-house patients plus 40 PHP patients over for lunch were crammed inside.
In the middle of the ruckus, my boss asked me to take
His therapist approved his discharge, but it didn't make it's way up the chain of command. They disagreed. Their official stance was that his recovery was not yet complete - that if he were released at that time, he was likely to rebound. He needed to be held longer for his own good.
... another hole in the wall of secrecy at my clinic where I've seen the brilliant luster of profit outshine the dull ambience of common sense. The mere suggestion of forcing a patient to slip further away from his family, missing his daughter’s high school graduation, to spend another week at rehab awakens a deeply recessed fire inside of me. This isn't textbook political theory anymore, this is the real thing.
This is profit over people. This is the direct manipulation of insurance providers by a trusted source to milk as much money as possible at the cost of further ruining a weakened mans life. I know from my own family the anger that comes when a father misses a daughter’s graduation, even when he thinks he's unwanted. I can think of no clearer agitator to bring
Adding to me anger is that a week ago I watched them discharge The Kid. Every tech and patient who knew him was confident he'd be returning to addiction within an hour of getting home. He sat around and told "war stories" of past drug use all day, every day, giving other patients lessons on how the well off get high. Not everyone can afford to shoot coke, ya know. He had already been to fifteen rehab clinics. The first time I talked to him he wanted me to know that he'd be partying in
Yet The Kid was medically approved by the clinic to leave after 30 days.
"If we feel that a patient is not ready for discharge and his insurance hasn't approved additional coverage, we'll keep the patient at no cost to him and attempt to recover insurance cost later," is what my main boss - who's never introduced herself to me - often tells patients during group sessions.
Dennis was about forty, coming in from DC with a crack habit. He was about the friendliest man I've met at the clinic. I thanked him at least once for always being positive, always saying "hey!" and patting me on the back as I walked by. He was a reliable smile in a sea of depression. His spirituality kept him afloat.
But his insurance ran out after eleven days. I didn't even get to say goodbye.
Apparently, under the strictest professional guidelines, a poor black crack addict from the hood can be cured from his addiction in a quarter the time as a middle-class white salesman from a nice suburb on
Funny how things work out like that.
first, a symantics argument: optimism is a leading contributer to relapse. The success rate at any given rehab is between 5% to 30%, depending on what you measure. the patients need to fully understand that even though they're head is cleaned up a little bit now, they're heading right back to the same enviroment they've been protected from for a month. the most optimistic person that's gone though our doors that i've seen went AMA five days later to recover in his beach condo in Vero.
hope is a little different. hope and faith are the best mental weapons to fight back addiction on the street. I say faith because it requires a complete surrender to treatment ethos of AA and NA for one to have any real shot at success.
symantic argument aside, if you look at the raw numbers Clark, the middle-class salesman, is less likely to relapse than Dennis is. The clinic knows this, the clinic doesn't care.
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